Coaching Philosophy | Dan Mickle

My personal coaching philosophy is driven by the concept of “Kaizen”.  The concept of Kaizen is that of continual improvement.  This is the basis for both my coaching education and my coaching methods.  I want to be open and willing to various training methods, and that is what I want to instill with my clients.  I am guided by five key principles in my coaching methods:

  1. Citizenship
  2. Competitiveness
  3. Education
  4. Ethics
  5. Organization


I believe that as a coach, I have the responsibility to help shape those I coach as better citizens of the world.  I believe this is accomplished by helping those I coach recognize their part in the global picture; expanding their definition of a community; discover the benefits of global citizenship; engage those around them more frequently; promote strong personal values; and support those around them.


I want my clients to become comfortable with the concept of competing.  I want to create a culture where the clients are willing to push others for the best results available at that time.  I will reward effort as well as results.  I will emphasize that the growth of the client is also the growth of the community around them.


I will strive to continue my education in all fields that will relate to my position as a coach.  I will also pass this information on to my staff and my clients.  I believe that guiding the education of my clients will make them better suited for the tasks they must achieve.


I will govern myself ethically.  I will adhere to the ethical standards presented by all governing bodies that I am coaching under, as well as my own personal ethical beliefs.  I will treat all clients and those around them ethically.  While the world of sports, business, and performance can be challenging at times, I will do my best to be transparent, fair, and true to my moral principles.


I will create and maintain a structure that is conducive of growth, pride, and honor in the community in both the personal and organization structures.  I will maintain an organization that is safe, enjoyable, and educational for clients and other coaches.  I will also maintain an organization that will be held responsible for the decisions that I, and those I bring in to the organization, for our actions.

In closing, coaches need to be someone that clients respect. I will strive to deliver honest news and clear and concise assessments of a client’s ability, pushing them to strive for success.  The primary goal I have as a coach is to actively work with all clients fairly to set goals at their individual level and continuously enhance proficiency in a positive and fun environment, that will contribute to their immediate and future success.

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